Overcoming Objections from Store Owners/Managers

Published on
June 28, 2022

We have compiled a list of common objections you may face from businesses when trying to place your charging stations. An objection is good. That is because they are considering your product and in a “buying mindset”. 

We find that asking open-ended questions gets the other party to switch from a “try to hang up” mindset into a “What is this person talking about” mindset. This will give you more opportunities to talk about the product and get them interested. If you do get an objection that hasn’t been debunked on here, feel free to send them our way so that we can add it to this list!

I don’t think customers would use it.

What solutions do you offer customers who need to charge their phones?

  • (Charge it at the front desk?)You don’t want to take any liability for customers’ phones if they get lost or damaged.

Tell me about the last time a customer asked you to charge their phone. What happened?

  • If you don’t have a solution for them, they may have low battery anxiety and leave which will not increase more revenue for your business.
  • A charger station is not only for you to provide a value-added service, but also attract more foot traffic for your business.

We find that many customers spend more time at venues where they’re able to charge their phones because it improves their experience.  How do you think this can help your business?

  • The longer customers stay, the more money they spend.

I already have a free charging port.

How frequently do you see your customers using that charging port? 

  • If they are using the charging port it means customers do have the demand for charger stations which they can grab and go. You can also make money on that. 

How do you think your customers would feel if they could keep their phones with them 

while charging?

  • People feel insecure when their phones are not with them. While a on the go battery is a good choice for customers to use.

I could plug customers’ phones into adapters.

  • You don’t want to take responsibility if you get customers’ phones mixed up and give them the wrong phones back. Damaged and stolen while charging on your adapter can also happen. A phone charger station can eliminate all your concerns.
  • Our venue operators love removing their liability by using our phone charging stations.

I’m worried about the amount of electricity that this uses and the cost.

How will your customer’s experience change if they know that they can charge their phones at your locations?

  • Offering a charger station is a value-added service. For one thing, you can keep customers staying longer and visiting more frequently. For another, your store will be listed on our map, and people around this area can rent and return at your location.
  • Our venue operators <Insert specific sertical> have yet to see notable increases in their electricity bills.

I don’t have any space for another machine.

Do you have space for more customers?

  • We’ve seen a 7.3% (use non-BS numbers) increase in foot traffic to venues <Insert your vertical> that have our phone charging stations installed.  How will that extra foot traffic affect your business?
  • C8 Pro doesn’t take much room, you can place it at the front desk. With the ads or menus on, that will be a specialty.

Your charging stations don't fit the aesthetics of my venue.

  • When customers see others having a good time at your venue, does that make everyone else happier?
  • Many of our venue operators add a custom wrap to our phone charging stations to incorporate it as part of the design of their locations. You can also put ads, menus, or your specials on the screen. It’s totally free and you can also rent ads to people making money on it.

I am not the decision-maker.

  • You can take the initiative to install a charging station that costs business owner nothing and earns  money daily.
  • Can I get a business card of your business owner? 

There is too much going on in our business. Too many distractions.

  • Many of our venue operators find that our charging stations cause an increase in foot traffic over time because customers always know that they never have to worry about a low battery at their venues. 
  • You only need to show the customer where the charging station is and then it’s self-explanatory. And you don’t 

I don’t want customers lingering around to charge their phones.

  • Customers spend more money at your location because they’re there longer.
  • Our phone charging stations pop out a battery for the customer, they’re able to plug their phone in and go where they’d like.

I don’t want customers spending money on something other than my business.

  • Some of our venue operators feel the same way.  But they still want their customers to have a better experience by being able to charge their phones at their convenience. Customer awareness is also important, you can mention the stations to them. It doesn’t cost you money, so it won’t hurt you.

What if the charging station stops working or is damaged?

  • We ensure all of our charging stations so there is no cost to you. ChargerGoGo also provides customer support if the station is not working properly, you just need to give the station ID, and we can check it on the back end and solve the problem for you.

Am I responsible for the station if a portable battery is damaged or stolen?

  • When a customer unlocks the portable battery on the station, our app alerts them that there is a $30 fee for damaged or lost batteries that will be charged to their credit card automatically. Customers will be charged 10 dollars maximum if they didn’t return the battery in 24 hours, and another 20 dollars will be charged in 48 hours. That money will go into your account.

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