Three Major Factors to Success

Published on
June 28, 2022

1. Foot traffic and dwell time

Why It Matters: High foot traffic and extended dwell time are fundamental to the success of any charging station. The more people pass by and spend time in an area, the greater the likelihood they’ll need to charge their devices.


  • Location Selection: Place your charging stations in areas with high foot traffic such as lobbies, entrances, and common areas.
  • Extended Dwell Areas: Target locations where people tend to stay longer, such as cafes, waiting rooms, or lounges. Longer dwell times increase the chances of users needing a charge.


  • Ignore Low-Traffic Areas: Avoid placing charging stations in areas with low foot traffic as they are unlikely to be used.
  • Neglect Short-Dwell Spaces: Do not place stations in areas where people don’t stay long enough to need a charge, such as fast food chains and C-stores.

2. Visibility and accessibility

Why It Matters: Even the best charging station won’t be used if people can’t see or easily access it. High visibility and accessibility are crucial for encouraging use and maximizing the station’s potential.

How to Optimize:

  • Clear Signage: Ensure that there are clear signs directing people to your charging stations. Use bright, noticeable colors and easy-to-read fonts.
  • Strategic Placement: Position stations in open, visible areas where they’re not obstructed by furniture or fixtures. Make sure they’re within easy reach and don’t require navigating obstacles to use.
  • Lighting: Good lighting can enhance visibility, especially in dimly lit areas. Ensure that your stations are well-lit and stand out.


  • Hide Stations: Avoid placing your stations behind pillars, walls, or other obstacles that could make them difficult to find.
  • Make Accessibility Difficult: Don’t place stations in hard-to-reach areas or places where people have to navigate obstacles to use them.

3. Staff Engagement

Why It Matters: Engaged and informed staff can significantly boost the usage of your charging stations. When employees at the venue understand the benefits and operation of the charging stations, they can effectively promote them to customers.

How to Optimize:

  • Training Sessions: Conduct brief training sessions for venue staff to explain how the charging stations work and the benefits they offer to customers.
  • Incentivize Promotion: Encourage staff to actively promote the charging stations to customers, particularly in high-traffic areas such as restaurants or cafes where patrons are likely to need a charge while dining. To motivate staff, highlight the incentive of four $25 coupons included in their welcome email from ChargerGoGo upon creating a GoGo Host account. These coupons can be used as rewards for staff members who successfully promote and drive usage of the charging stations, fostering a proactive and engaged team.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop where staff can report any issues or suggest improvements. This keeps the staff engaged and ensures the stations are always in top working condition.


  • Ignore Staff Training: Don’t neglect to train staff on how to use and promote the charging stations.
  • Fail to Motivate Staff: Don’t overlook the importance of incentivizing staff to promote the charging stations actively.
  • Neglect Feedback: Avoid ignoring feedback from staff about the stations. Their input can be invaluable for continuous improvement.

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