Want to know how much you can make?
Use the form to estimate how much your business can make by hosting a ChargerGoGo charging stations
Here is your Revenue Potential Report
You have selected Consigment partner model
Conversion rate
Estimated # of Users
Your Rev-share
Annual Total Rental Revenue
Suggested Charging Station Model
Cost to You
Suggested Placement #(units)
Est. payback period (days)
Estimated Annual Income
All examples provided on this page are theoretical calculations; they are hypothetical scenarios only and may not reflect actual profit/revenue. We have has provided our ChargerGoGo Revenue Calculator in order to assist merchants in determining the methodology used to calculate potential revenue. The example above may not be typical. ChargerGoGo makes no warranty or representation regarding projected revenue or expenses of operating a ChargerGoGO station. Actual revenue depends on many factors some of which are beyond the scope of this calculator. Also for our purchase model, you get 80% revenue share until you break even and 70% thereafter. In this calculator, we have used 70% to project revenue from the onset, so the actual number should be more.